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Tag: cardiovascular risk

Man sitting at kitchen table with blood pressure monitor and pill bottles

Should Patients Take Blood Pressure Medications in the Evening to Enhance Cardiovascular Benefit?

Clinicians should individualize dosing practices based on patient risk factors and preferences


TRAVERSE Study Supports Cardiovascular Safety of Testosterone Therapy When Used as Indicated

But findings apply only to middle-aged or older men with confirmed hypogonadism

Erythritol is associated with susceptibility to heart attack

Sugar Substitute Erythritol Linked to Increased Cardiovascular Risk

Human and animal studies show a rise in platelet reactivity, thrombosis and cardiac events


Menopausal Hormone Therapy and Heart Risk: Updated Guidance Is at Hand

ACC committee underscores need to properly weigh benefits in risk-benefit calculations


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gut microbiota

Beta-Blockers’ Efficacy May Be Partly Explained By Newly Discovered Gut Microbial Metabolite

Phenylacetylglutamine acts via adrenergic receptors and is linked with cardiac events

small vessel pathology in systemic sclerosis

Cardiovascular Complications of Systemic Sclerosis: What to Look For

Cardiac manifestations of this autoimmune disorder can be hidden but deadly

Physician using stethoscope to listen to a patient’s heart

Managing Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes Management

Medications for patients with diabetes and cardiovascular disease

September 2, 2019/Digestive

40% Reduction in Death and Major Cardiovascular Events Seen with Metabolic Surgery Vs. Usual Care

Findings are from a large cohort study in patients with type 2 diabetes and obesity

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