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Tag: congenital heart surgery

Mom doing skin to skin with newborn
March 5, 2025/Pediatrics/Cardiology

Facilitating Neuroprotective Care for Infants With Congenital Heart Disease

Program will support family-centered congenital heart disease care and staff educational opportunities

Photograph of 3D-printed patient heart model
February 18, 2025/Pediatrics/Cardiac Surgery

Novel Biventricular Fontan Conversion for Single-Ventricle Congenital Heart Disease

Case provides proof of concept, prevents need for future heart transplant

US map
April 15, 2022/Pediatrics

What Would It Take To Regionalize Congenital Heart Surgery?

The evidence, the obstacles, and the opportunity to improve care


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December 30, 2021/Pediatrics/Cardiology

Repairing Complex Valve Defects in Infants: Challenging, but Achievable

Repairing Complex Valve Defects in Infants: Challenging, but Achievable

September 10, 2020/Heart, Vascular and Thoracic

Congenital Heart Surgeon Named to Board of Trustees of the American College of Cardiology

Hani Najm, MD, MSc, FACC, takes leadership role in leading cardiovascular society

Tara Karmalou, MD, operates on child with congenital heart disease

Congenital Heart Care: Performance Assessment Among Institutions and Surgeons

Small numbers of heterogeneous patients complicate outcomes measurement in this highly nuanced field

US map

Regionalizing Congenital Heart Surgery Would Reduce Mortality with Modest Effects on Patient Travel

Data-based simulations imagine funneling U.S. pediatric operations to bigger centers

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