Tag: transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR)

22-HVI-2935765 CQD vs2 650×450

When to Refer for SAVR in an Era of Expanding TAVR Use?

State-of-the-art review gives guidance for populations not addressed in TAVR trials


What’s the Best TAVR Approach When Transfemoral Access Isn’t Feasible?

New study details trends in alternative-access TAVR from Cleveland Clinic


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Can Extended Continuous ECG Monitoring Pre- and Post-TAVR Help Guide Pacemaker Decisions?

Leveraging advanced remote monitoring technologies to personalize assessment for permanent pacemaker need

February 24, 2021/Geriatrics

Dementia in TAVR Patients Raises Several Risks, But Not Mortality

Cohort study findings can enhance decision-making for older TAVR candidates


Recent U.S. Progress Against Aortic Stenosis Mortality Has Not Been Uniform

Nationwide database study finds racial and regional variations

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