Interventional Cardiology

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INOCA: A Common, Dangerous, Often Overlooked Cause of Chest Pain

What to do when a patient’s ischemia is not due to coronary artery stenosis


What’s the Best TAVR Approach When Transfemoral Access Isn’t Feasible?

New study details trends in alternative-access TAVR from Cleveland Clinic


Socioeconomic Disparities in STEMI Care: A Promising Blueprint for Leveling the Playing Field

Study shows STEMI protocol closes traditional gaps in care metrics and mortality


Study of STEMI Protocol Shows Sustained Success in Closing the Gender Care Gap

Elimination of most sex-related differences maintained five years after protocol adoption


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Comprehensive STEMI Protocol Reduces Cardiogenic Shock Incidence and Mortality

Four-point protocol improves outcomes in high-risk patients, earns award for operational excellence

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