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Eye Care & Treatment

Eye doctor looking into a man's eye

Faricimab Improves Results for Most Patients on Prior Therapy for nAMD

Switching medications may decrease treatment burden and macular fluid

December 26, 2023/Neurosciences

Eye, Brain and Nose Surgeons Remove Orbital Tumor Through Patient’s Nose

Novel collaborative approach helps patient avoid orbital exenteration


Managing Thyroid Eye Disease: Insights for General Ophthalmologists

Interventions abound for active and stable phases of TED


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Use Caution When Treating Myopia in Children With Intermittent Exotropia

Effect of low-dose atropine and dual-focus contact lenses is unknown in patients with comorbid eye conditions

September 6, 2023/Cancer

Blurry Vision, Ocular Motility Issues: Cancer Metastasis to the Eye Takes Many Forms

Ophthalmologists’ prompt diagnosis can help improve patients’ quality of life

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Goniotomy and GATT Aren’t Just for Mild to Moderate Glaucoma

Minimally invasive surgery is effective for uveitic and steroid-induced glaucoma too


5 Practical Uses for OCT-A in AMD and Diabetic Retinopathy

Why retina specialists should get comfortable with this imaging tool

May 11, 2023/Cancer

Retinoblastoma: When Eyeshine Indicates Something Serious (Podcast)

Leukocoria is the most common symptom of this rare childhood eye cancer

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