Tag: ventricular tachycardia (VT)

ventricular tachycardia

Ventricular Arrhythmia-Related Cardiac Arrest Rare After PCI for STEMI

Study identifies a cohort of low-risk patients, finds LVEF predicts late VT/VF in those at higher risk

maps for ventricular tachycardia ablation

Monomorphic VT Electrical Storm: Is Ischemic or Coronary Evaluation Needed?

Study finds that in the absence of ACS, the yield is low and outcomes are unaffected


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Case Study: A Young Man With Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy and Uncontrolled VT

After optimized medical and device therapy, is there a role for endocardial-epicardial VT ablation?


First Leadless Pacemaker-Defibrillator System Is Put to the Test in New Global Trial

Device integrates wireless communication between leadless pacing and ICD therapy


Preemptive Hemodynamic Support for Improving the Safety and Efficacy of VT Ablation

How we’re using a new multidisciplinary approach to broaden the benefits of ablation


‘Bailout’ Ablation for Cardiogenic Shock and Refractory VT for Patients on Mechanical Support

Cleveland Clinic experience demonstrates viability in a high-risk population


Trio of Studies at Virtual HRS Meeting Showcase Catheter Ablation Advances

Pushing the envelope in ablation of atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia

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